39 research outputs found

    MABIT Program as a Cadreization of Ulama in Pesantren: Study of Management

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    The position of the ulama for Muslims is crucial in guiding them to the path of goodness. However, the current number of ulama is not proportional to the number of Muslims, coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic, many ulama have died. Therefore, there is a need for a Cadreization of Ulama. This study aims to analyze the Mujahadah and Nursery Program (MABIT) as a Cadreization of Ulama at Pesantren Al-Ittifaqiah in terms of management. The research method used is qualitative. This study concludes that the Mujahadah and Nursery Program (MABIT) for the regeneration of ulama at Pesantren Al-Ittifaqiah is running well and in accordance with the management functions, namely planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. This program is specifically for students who are tahfiz Al-Qur'an and final level, they are equipped with English language skills, Arabic language, general lessons, and religious lessons

    Manajemen Kelas dan Dampaknya terhadap Efektifitas Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Fiqih di Madrasah Aliyah Paradigma Palembang

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    Effective teaching and learning process can be realized well if there is interaction between teacher and students, fellow students or with other learning resources. In other words, learning is said to be effective if there is a maximum interaction. Furthermore, maximum interaction will be easy to implement if the class and students are in a good arrangement or management. This management in the education literature is called class management. In other words, the effectiveness of learning is closely related to class management. To test this assumption the author conducted research at the Madrasah Aliyah Paradigm especially on fiqh subjects with the formulation of the problem as follows: 1. What are the procedures for Class Management in the Teaching and Learning Process Fiqh Subjects in the Palembang Paradigm of Palembang? 2. What is the impact of Class Management on the effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Fiqh Subjects in the Palembang Paradigm of Madrasah Aliyah? What factors can affect the effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning Process Fiqh Subjects in the Palembang Paradigm? This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive research. Acting as key informant is the deputy head of the curriculum, academic supervisors and 2 fiqh teachers. Then in the collection several techniques are used, namely observation (observation), interviews (interviews), and documentation studies. After the data is collected, it is then processed using qualitative descriptive techniques and deductive and inductive conclusions. Based on data analysis can be formulated several research conclusions as follows: 1. Class arrangement and organization of students in Islamic Jurisprudence Aliyah Paradigm class subjects are in accordance with classroom management procedures. Class Management Procedures in the Teaching and Learning Process subjects of jurisprudence in Aliyah Madrasas The Palembang paradigm is intended to begin with an increase in the awareness of educators as teachers. Then increase student awareness. Next is the introduction of student behavior. Making social contracts / class rules and setting alternative solutions through various approaches. 2. Class Management can improve the effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning Process subject of Fiqh in the Palembang Islamic Elementary School Paradigm, because it has fulfilled and has implemented the elements in the effectiveness of learning. 3. Factors that can affect the effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning Subjects of Fiqh in Aliyah Madrasas The Palembang paradigm consists of two factors (external and internal). External factors, including environmental factors and instrumental factors such as; curriculum, program/teaching materials, facilities and facilities, and the factors of the teacher itself. Internal factors, including the physiological and psychological conditions of students in the form of interests, talents and abilities possessed by each student

    Eksistensi Komisi Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia Setelah Berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 Tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara

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    Pembentukan Komisi Kejaksaan merupakan suatu langkah pengawasan dalam rangka pelaksanaan pemerintahan yang bersih dan  baik dilingkungan kejaksaan, karena ini dinilai penting untuk “mengawasi” kinerja Kejaksaan dan membuat rekomendasi kepada Presiden untuk menentukan kebijakannya di bidang hukum. Lahirnya Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara (UU ASN) memberikan kewenangan bagi Komisi Aparatur Sipil Negara untuk melakukan pengawasan terhadap kode etik dan kode perilaku Aparatur Sipil Negara dimana hal tersebut memiliki kesamaan baik fungsi maupun objek kewenangan dengan Komisi Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia, mengingat status Jaksa sebagai pejabat fungsional juga sekaligus Pegawai Negeri Sipil atau Aparatur Sipil Negara. Sehingga hal tersebut akan memberikan konsekuensi bagi eksistensi Komisi Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan kewenangannya sebagai pengawas eksternal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui eksistensi Komisi Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia dalam struktur pemerintahan setelah berlakunya Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 tahun 2014 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara. Selain itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan ntuk mengetahui bagaimana pembagian peran pengawasan eksternal kejaksaan antara Komisi Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia dengan Komisi Aparatur Sipil Negara agar tidak terjadi tumpang tindih dalam penyelenggaraan pengawasan terhadap Lembaga Kejaksaan. Jenis pembahasan yang digunakan penulis dalam tesis ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif. Bahan hukum primer yang digunakan dalam penilitian ini adalah peraturan perundang-undang yang mengikat, contohnya adalah: Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945, Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2021 tentang Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia

    Students Management at MTs (State Islamic Junior High School) Al-Ikhlas Keban II, Banyuasin, South Sumatra

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    Abstract Students management is a part of education management that is applied in every educational institution. It relates to the organizing and regulating students beginning from the time of their enrollment until their graduation. Hence, it aims to manage learners in terms of all matters and programs to be properly implemented and to meet the goals of the institution. Keywords: management, student

    Implementasi Manajemen Peserta Didik Berbasis Sekolah di Palembang

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui implementasi manajemen, faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat di SMP Palembang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan yang bersifat kualitatif naturalistic. Sumber data diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Kemudian data dianalisis denga cara mereduksi, penyajian data dan verifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, maka diketahui bahwa implementasi manajemen berjalan dengan baik karena ruang lingkup manajemen peserta didik yang diteliti, mulai dari perencanaan peserta didik, penerimaan, orientasi, kehadiran, pengelompokkan, evaluasi, kenaikan, mutasi (perpindahan), drop out (pemberhentian), kode etik, hukuman, dan disiplin sudah berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti. Walaupun ada kekurangan dari sisi sarana dan prasarana yang ada, kekurangan ini berjalan dengan baik karena ada tenaga pendidik, karyawan, peserta didik, orang tua, pemerintah, sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung, serta masyarakat sekitar yang berpartisipasi demi kemajuan sekolah tersebut


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    Effective teaching and learning process can be realized well if there is interaction between teacher and students, fellow students or with other learning resources. In other words, learning is said to be effective if there is a maximum interaction. Furthermore, maximum interaction will be easy to implement if the class and students are in a good arrangement or management. This management in the education literature is called class management. In other words, the effectiveness of learning is closely related to class management. To test this assumption the author conducted research at the Madrasah Aliyah Paradigm especially on fiqh subjects with the formulation of the problem as follows: 1. What are the procedures for Class Management in the Teaching and Learning Process Fiqh Subjects in the Palembang Paradigm of Palembang? 2. What is the impact of Class Management on the effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Fiqh Subjects in the Palembang Paradigm of Madrasah Aliyah? What factors can affect the effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning Process Fiqh Subjects in the Palembang Paradigm? This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive research. Acting as key informant is the deputy head of the curriculum, academic supervisors and 2 fiqh teachers. Then in the collection several techniques are used, namely observation (observation), interviews (interviews), and documentation studies. After the data is collected, it is then processed using qualitative descriptive techniques and deductive and inductive conclusions. Based on data analysis can be formulated several research conclusions as follows: 1. Class arrangement and organization of students in Islamic Jurisprudence Aliyah Paradigm class subjects are in accordance with classroom management procedures. Class Management Procedures in the Teaching and Learning Process subjects of jurisprudence in Aliyah Madrasas The Palembang paradigm is intended to begin with an increase in the awareness of educators as teachers. Then increase student awareness. Next is the introduction of student behavior. Making social contracts / class rules and setting alternative solutions through various approaches. 2. Class Management can improve the effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning Process subject of Fiqh in the Palembang Islamic Elementary School Paradigm, because it has fulfilled and has implemented the elements in the effectiveness of learning. 3. Factors that can affect the effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning Subjects of Fiqh in Aliyah Madrasas The Palembang paradigm consists of two factors (external and internal). External factors, including environmental factors and instrumental factors such as; curriculum, program/teaching materials, facilities and facilities, and the factors of the teacher itself. Internal factors, including the physiological and psychological conditions of students in the form of interests, talents and abilities possessed by each student

    Strategi Promosi Songket Palembang (Studi Kasus Kerajian Songket Cek Ipah)

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    The appeal of songket as a small and medium-sized industry or Small Business Menangah (UKM) is not only assessed by the market in terms of its quality and only its quality. More than that, the peculiarities of the Palembang region that are closely related to the history of the Palembang sultanate, which was famous for its glory, were able to provide more value in the marketing of Palembang songket.Unfortunately, this opportunity has not been maximized, so it is only natural that songket is not only able to run in place at the moment, with a minimal amount of production, with the reason to wait for foreign markets to pick up and maintain the local market. Even though the global market is wriggling and there are many outside markets for songket, it's time to be captured by songket craftsmen, either through increasing production, marketing strategies or improving quality in terms of yarn types, designs to patterns.This condition is worsened by the lack of forms of promotion carried out by songket craftsmen, so that it requires maximum effort, either through government policy or the company itself to work together to encourage promotional efforts to market the existing songket production, not only can it exist in the domestic market but also be able to exist in foreign market. with this, this paper will improve the quality of songket in South Sumatra. &nbsp


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    Leadership is an important discussion, especially in order to improve thequality of education, because in the world of education can not be separatedfrom the influence of education, especially related to the formation ofeducational policy. One model that is quite popular in the worldof education is transformational leadership. A leader in education should beable to apply the model of transformational leadership. Therefore,transformational leadership is not only based on the need for self-esteem,but also to improve awareness of a leader to act best in accordance with the studyof management development and leadership that sees humans,performances, and growth as a side affects one to another. This Leadership is oriented toward the change of vision that is the leader's ability to create, define, communicate, socialize,transform, and implement the ideal thoughts coming from himself or as aresult of social interaction among members of the organization and itsstakeholders are believed to be the ideals of the organization in the futurethat must be achieved or realized through the commitment of all personnel.

    Literasi Wakaf Tunai pada Polis Asuransi AXA Mandiri Syariah di Palembang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana literasi wakaf tunai pada polis asuransi AXA Mandiri Syariah Palembang dalam perspektif ekonomi syariah. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah PT. AXA Mandiri Financial Service Syariah Palembang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa literasi wakaf tunai pada polis asuransi AXA Mandiri Syariah Indonesia secara rutin menyelenggarakan program literasi keuangan dan asuransi kepada masyarakat hampir di berbagai kota se Indonesia sejak 2016 seperti DKI Jakarta, Banten, Tangerang, Surabaya, Medan, Palembang, Bandung, Semarang, Gorontalo, Banjarmasin, Makassar. Penggunaan operasi digital serta media sosial terus digalakkan agar memudahkan calon nasabah mengakses informasi apapun tentang program wakaf dari AXA Financial Indonesia. AXA Financial Indonesia terus membangun kapasitas para agen asuransinya yang saat ini berjumlah 1000 orang dengan training dan workshop secara terpadu, baik secara offline maupun online agar dapat memberi informasi yang tepat kepada calon nasabah. Mengembangkan strategi pemasaran yang inovatif, dengan merangkul banyak komunitas anak muda, komunitas dakwah, dan komunitas sosial kemasyarakatan lainnya. Analisis ekonomi syariah atas literasi polis asuransi AXA Mandiri Syariah Palembang, peluang pengembangan instrumen wasiat wakaf ini sangat terbuka lebar


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